Trains, planes, and COVID-19

By grounding everything, the governments will need to hand out massive loans in an attempt to soften the blow to a rather large industry that has come to a complete halt. Why not use some of that money, and some of that capacity, for something we actually need: air transport

Forcing apt-get to use IPv4

When or if you run into trouble with apt-get and IPv6 connections timing out or not resolving properly at all, it may be a good idea to simply prevent apt-get from using IPv6. Use -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true when running apt-get, or create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4 and put Acquire::ForceIPv4 …

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Hello FrontDoor Inbox!

From start to finish, FrontDoor Inbox helps you keep track of the entire conversation. FrontDoor Inbox is suitable for use in helpdesks, service centers, the front office, receptions, customer support centers, call centers, booking offices, or in general situations where you need to keep track of conversations.