
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. (Mitch Ratliffe, Technology Review, April 1992)


Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe which strives to produce bigger idiots. (Software Engineers’ saying) So far the Universe is winning. (Applications Programmers’ saying)

Sony Ericsson P900 Theme: JoHo Orange

A theme for the Sony Ericsson P900 SmartPhone. You can download it from We used to have a forum site set-up for the P900 and the likes, but we took it off-line due to a lack of interest from the users. WARNING: There is …

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Sony Ericsson P900 Theme: JoHo Black

A theme for the Sony Ericsson P900 SmartPhone. You can download it from We used to have a forum site set-up for the P900 and the likes, but we took it off-line due to a lack of interest from the users. WARNING: There is …

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(no title)

“(no title)”

It takes so little to blacken a heart;
It takes so much to make it shine;
At least when we’re talking about mine.


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Säljer barnporr?

I kvällsupplagan 1997-10-02 har Expressen en förstasida som antyder att “Telia sprider barnporr på nätet – sidorna 10-11”. Jag undrar hur många extra tidningar Expressen sålde på grund av denna förstasida och tillhörande artikel. Missförstå mig rätt: det är självklart att pedofiler inte skall få …

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