Joomla Search Cloud

“Have you ever noticed that cool tag thingy that they do on Flickr, Ning, or Technorati? The one where some words are displayed in a larger font than others? Now you can easily add one of these clouds to your Joomla site to track searches …

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If I were a video game character, I would be a ..

I am a Pacman Ghost. I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don’t appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do …

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How hard is your Linux?

An interesting article about basic Linux security, “hardening a linux server in 10 minutes”, which basically takes the same approach many articles about Windows performance tuning takes; disable services and connections you don’t need. Keep open ports, running services, etc. down to what is required, …

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Back to the 1980:s using the olympic computer

Regardless of the outcome of today’s finals in the Olympic Ice Hockey competition between Finland and Sweden, this has to be considered one of the most successful Olympic Games seen with Swedish eyes; if the number of medals is a measurement for such success. Something …

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What is up with Axl this time?

An “interesting” article on VH1 concludes that “something” is up with Axl. Well, those of us who wonder already know something is up with Axl. The question is, what is it this time? I want to see the “new album” released as much as anyone …

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Changing date format in Thunderbird under Linux

Being located in Sweden, I want all dates in all applications to be displayed according to the Swedish date format, which is YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2006-02-26 for 26-Feb-2006). This is typically not a problem, if you’re willing to switch everything else over to Swedish also, and/or …

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Winter Olympics delayed by snow

Having watched the Swedish Ice Hockey ladies advance to the finals after a 4-2 victory against the US, I was thinking about the irony of some of the other events of today’s competitions. The women’s combination downhill race was cancelled due to severe weather (that …

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Happy 6th Birthday Alexander! It’s hard to believe I held you in my arms six years ago as a newborn, looking at your tiny hands and thinking that this is the greatest thing ever.. only to realize that watching you grow up is an even …

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JoomlaFCK and non-ASCII characters (HTML entities)

I’ve been using the JoomlaFCK-mambot (or is it “jombot”?) for a while now and am mostly pleased with it. At least when comparing it to the alternatives. There are, however, some problems with the default configuration of JoomlaFCK. One default behavior in particular causes the …

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Do what you’re told, by Sebastian

It’s not often that I consider so-called “hot new artists” to be anything remotely related to “hot” (in the musical sense). But the fact of the matter is that I am a little bit curious about Swedish Idol 2005 runner-up Sebastian Karlsson’s debut album, “Do …

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