Dell is getting Dull

Have you ever purchased something from Dell? If you haven’t, don’t.. unless you’re in constant need of recycled advertising material. Seriously.. I’ve made the “mistake” of buying three Dell products in my life, and I was apparently assigned as the contact person for a fourth. …

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Room to breathe

What a difference two days can make; specially if they’re spent on Blidö! We – being Göran, Alexander, and myself – decided to make a little road trip to Blidö for two days. The weather was perfect, sunny and warm. We spent a good three …

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Doing 250 km/h .. ouch!

Well, it’s been too long, but now I’m finally here again. Not that anybody may notice my absence besides myself. Anyway, it’s the 15th and I’ve logged some 158 working hours thus far. Something is obviously wrong with this picture, but at the moment, there …

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Smooth MetaCity Blendish window decorations

Playing around with Novell’s SLED 10 (short for “SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop“), I wanted to find a more quiet MetaCity window decoration than I had previously used. On the laptop where I’m testing SLED, the precious 1400×1050 resolution must be used to its maximum capacity. …

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Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy 59th Birthday Mom! Had you been here, you would have seen your grandchildren doing wonderful things. You went too fast and much too soon. You are remembered by many and missed by more. Sometimes I could really do with someone telling me “I believe …

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Taking a break from being Nicotine Free

Having been very good for a very long time, I gave myself a break during the holidays and had myself some nicotine. It was with mixed emotions, but it wasn’t like I had to force myself 🙂 The plan is to drop it again, and …

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Say hello to the Samsung Digimax L85

My first camera was a piece of junk instamatic 110 of some sort; given to me by my mother. This was eons (32 or so) ago, and although it took horrible pictures, they were probably a lot better than I deserved at the time. After that, I progressed to some other more-or-less-useless piece of equipment from Kodak. I lost interest in photography for a long time, until one day when I saw an Olympus IS-3000 camera. It was gorgeous and given great reviews. So I figured I’d take up photography again. This was over ten years ago. I have since progressed and moved past a Nikon F80, a Canon Ixus 400, and a Canon 10D to my current kit which is a Canon 20D. Once I got started with the 10D, I realized it’d be cool to have a compact but competent camera like the Ixus 400. So I looked for quite some time before I found the Canon PowerShot Pro1. The only problem with it is that while being extremely competent, it’s not so compact 🙂 So once again I was facing “having” to browse around for something more modern than the Ixus 400, while staying at or around the same physical dimensions. I thought about the Ixus 800is long enough to notice the Samsung Digimax L85.

Having been fairly impressed with digital camera products from Canon over the past few years, it felt like a leap of faith even considering the L85. I mean, come on.. Samsung? What do they know about cameras? (I said the same thing when LG started putting out LCD:s severals years ago.) Anyway, I decided to take that leap and ordered a package on offer, which included a cradle for charging and easy transfers.

So, on with the show, how was it?

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Sony Ericsson P990i – First impressions

Having been delayed time and time again, it was with some anticipation I read the “Your order is on its way”-message from our local hardware supplier (Dustin). My Sony Ericsson P900 smart phone was deteriorating beyond usefulness, having been dropped on the floor a few too many times. So I’ve now spent some 6-7 hours getting the new Sony Ericsson P990i smart phone configured and ready-to-go.

There are very few things not to like about this telephone. It’s lighter (most likely due to a more lightweight battery) than its predecessors and has a lesser feeling of brick-in-pocket. But being a “business user” of the P900, which is the type of user Sony Ericsson wants to target their P-series to, I found some serious issues when it came to migrating data from one Sony Ericsson P-series smart phone to another. I cannot for the life of me understand what the software developers at Sony Ericsson and/or Symbian are doing. Had it not been too foulmouthed to write here, I’d ask myself what on earth these sh*t for brain programmers and developers are thinking of.

Migrating data turned out to be a real headache. You see, the software that accompany these “professional smart phones” cannot handle import/export from one model to another. Say what? Why can I not backup my P900 and then restore suitable parts to the P990i? Sony Ericsson wants the P-series to “grow in capacity and flexibility with users’ ever growing demands and needs”, so supply me, the user with adequate tools to do just that!

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Patch of contemplation

Yaaay! Another project has been finished; patch of contemplation. Or, in english, a small wooden deck with a bench and a nice little “fence” made from braided branches and hops, where one can sit and ponder. Preferably with a cold drink of choice. Some pictures …

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Search and Replace in MySQL

While converting a Drupal site to a Joomla site, the need to do a textual search and replace inside a MySQL-table came up. There are, of course, many ways of doing this, but the most simple way I could figure out was to use a …

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