
Mankind is the only species dumb enough to believe in inferior technology to make decisions based on historical events instead of being genuinly innovative we choose to trust something that by definition can only see the past JoHo, 2007-11-26


When we leave our fate to technology we embarrass our evolution and ability to act in a genuinly random and creative manner JoHo, 2007-11-26

Earthbound souls

Earthbound souls scrambling to find final peace struggling to escape the hold of heaven their destiny known only to those who will bear the burden of the future JoHo, 2007-11-26

How to demo software

“With geeks, it’s probably enough to put on a nice Banana Republic black jacket over your polo shirt or turtleneck. Do NOT, for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD, wear any clothing with writing on the outside. I know how much you love your …

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Getting run over by the Twisted Sister freight train

Solnahallen (Stockholm), 14 November 2007: A few minutes past nine in the evening, time froze, and it stayed frozen for over two hours. Witnesses report seeing five middle aged men enter the arena shortly before the time freeze. The same witnesses also report the arrival …

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Turbo charging your Apache

The importance of the evolution of the open source web server Apache cannot be exaggerated. Apart from its zillion features and many installations world wide, it helps to keep a very fundamental part of the Internet open (as opposed to closed). There are countless of …

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Help kill the environment, downgrade Windows Vista

So this client wants a new Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo Q5010-series SFF; a wonderful choice. The Q-series (save the Celeron variant) is a wonderful little gizmo. FSC has really hit home with this one. So this particular stock item does not feature FSC’s “Twin-Load” where the …

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When it’s black

When it’s black, and I can’t see the path in front of me When it’s black, and I can’t see the path that brought me here When it’s black, and I can’t seem to breathe the oxygen is running out It’s leaving me, I’m falling …

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Sony Ericsson P1i – first impressions

Having used the Sony Ericsson P990 smartphone for some time, it was with some anticipation I opened the box to the new Sony Ericsson P1i. The P1i is, or appears to be, a M600i with “smart phone add-ons”. For those having used the P-series (P8xx, P9xx), the P1i makes for a welcome change in its much slimmer appearance and handling.

One of the most irritating things with the previous P-series is that Sony Ericsson insisted on enabling “animation effects” in the operating system; sliding selectors, fade-in, fade-out, icon effects, and so on. Later versions of the P9xx firmware allowed for an option to disable this. Why anybody who has half a finger in the right place would want these stupid effect in a telephone is way beyond my comprehension. To make a long story short, the P1i comes equipped with an option to disable the fireworks.

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End of vacation – boohoo!

Four weeks of pure bliss have come to an end. Barbecues and good beer, swimming in the Baltic, going for boat rides, and of course, a lot of carpentry. It’s amazing how fast four weeks can pass when you’re having fun. Good weather, and peaceful …

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