Javascript reflection for your images
Wicked cool image reflection done in Javascript. For jQuery: For 3D perspective and other effects, consider using reflex.js
Wicked cool image reflection done in Javascript. For jQuery: For 3D perspective and other effects, consider using reflex.js
Using pointers in PHP is quite useful at times; but it can also leave you dumbstruck with serious debugging on your hands. Consider this construct: [code]for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $p1 = null; if ($Buffer [$i]['type'] == 'scanthis']) { $p1 =& ...
Being sick and tired of so-called media keyboard, wireless solutions, and other silly inventions for my media computer, I was reluctant to try another solution. After having spent a few months with the Logitech Dinovo Mini Bluetooth keyboard/mouse combination, I’m glad I did. This has …
Bland alla de mallar som finns för WordPress hittar man ibland en del udda saker. Retro-mallen från Kerry Webster är en sådan udda sak. Det låter som en jättekul idé, och känns initialt lite roligt. Men handen på hjärtat, hade det inte varit bättre om …
Fler webbsajter gör det möjligt att man utöver sitt namn, användarnamn eller signatur också identifierar sig med en s k ”avatar” eller ”gravatar”. En del webbapplikationer har haft stöd för detta länge (t ex många forumtjänster). När Facebook och liknande nu blivit omåttligt populärt så …
Now that the major fuss related to the release of Chinese Democracy by Guns N’ Roses has seem to passed, I made some reflections while listening to Madagascar. These are obviously my personal opinions and not some “expert’s”. Som indisputable facts about the album, GNR …
One of the many reasons Commodore 64 (C64/C=64/CBM-64/VIC-64) became the most sold personal computer model of all time was not due to its fantastic programming capabilities, but rather due to its role as a “gaming machine”. Compared to today’s consoles, it doesn’t stand much of …
Are you the owner of a SonyEricsson phone and tired of the bloated PC Suite set of applications? Don’t want to use Outlook to synchronize with? Want to synchronize your SonyEricsson with Google’s Calendar or Thunderbird? If any of the above is you, you may …
“The Serendipity-Team is proud to provide the final release of Serendipity 1.4, conveniently codenamed “Post-Christmas-Monk-Miles-Moondog”.” So, go check it out here: To download, this link may be useful:
It is of little consequence on the big scale of things, and many would say it is of no importance But they know not what you have done for me Smiling for someone’s soul is a small feat, in this age of instant satisfaction And …