Secret Language

The thin veil of fog slowly rise and reveals a clear blue autumn sky in the mirror that lies beneath The colors of autumn surround me and the air is clear and fresh I pass a couple sitting on a bench, they have a cup …

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Hemligt Språk

Dimman lättar från vattnet och avslöjar en klarblå hösthimmel i den spegelblanka ytan Höstens färger omringar mig och luften är frisk och klar Jag passerar ett par på en bänk, de har varsin kopp kaffe i handen men säger ingenting som jag kan höra eller …

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The Western Digital WD TV Live HD, WD Live HD, WD TV Live rocks!

If you’ve read any of my other “reviews” (or “personal experience”) of gadgets, phones, and what not, you know that I above all things like uncomplicated stuff that works. Having used a number of so-called “Media Centers” and “Media Hubs”, both hardware and software, I was not entirely happy about going shopping for sometihng to replace the Netgear EVA9150 Digital Entertainer Elite. When I ran into the WD TV Live, it caught my interest mainly due to its size and the way the product was pitched. The idea is that this is a “streaming” or “management” device, without its own storage. Needless to say, it has support for network attached media (NAS) or a local USB hard disk, as well as Internet-based services. This is not a guarantee for anything, but it’s a step in the right direction. Pairing this unit with a Samsung S2 USB drive allows me to keep some serious media at the ready, as well as replacing that media when the kids aren’t around.

When I first noticed this product from Western Digital, I was also told a new version was on its way. So, I did some reading on the upcoming model and decided to wait. When it appeared on the Swedish market, I got myself a unit. This is an inexpensive, very capable, and affordable “media player” or “media center”. If you want to find out my opinion about it, keep on reading 🙂

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Nu blir det 30 barn per klass i stället för 24 i Rålambshovsskolan – Del 4

Öppet brev till Gunilla Olsson, rektor på Rålambshovsskolan. Skickat till följande e-postadresser:,,,,, Och varför skall ansvaret att hantera denna politiska situation falla på barn i årskurs fem där många byter skola för första gången i sitt liv? Menar du …

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