Happy Birthday Mom
Happy Birthday Mom, keep on driving them mad up there, I’m doing my best down here <3
Happy Birthday Mom, keep on driving them mad up there, I’m doing my best down here <3
Trafiknämnden i Stockholms stad som föreslår att nya parkeringsavgifter och boendeparkering införs i närförorterna. Syftet är att öka framkomligheten på Stockholms gator, minska trängseln i staden och öka antalet lediga parkeringsplatser. Så om jag t ex bor i Alvik (Bromma) och tar bilen varje dag …
K: Hej, detta är Örjan på kundtjänst, hur kan jag hjälpa dig? J: Jag har fått en faktura jag inte förstår. Dels förstår jag inte varför den skickas till en folkbokföringsadress jag inte bott på i drygt fem år och dels förstår jag inte varför …
The DrayTek Vigor 3900 has been around for some time now. Sadly, this isn’t exactly mirrored on the world wide web. The amount of documentation, samples, and FAQs is sparse; guides, and discussions are few. For a product in this class. And that’s not very …
IP-Only often boasts about being “the man” when it comes to Swedish Internet infrastructure and their competence in networks. Customer service and fast response to serious network issues such as routing loops seems to be of … less importance to IP-Only. It’s fascinating how “big …
I’d had my Fitbit Surge for almost a year when the strap broke. I was worried this was going to be an issue because I had heard that Fitbit were a bit picky about how potential replacement units were being handled and that the “this …
I recently upgraded one of my laptops to Ubuntu 16.04.LTS (going from 14.04.LTS). The upgrade went very smooth and I have no issues with the resulting operating environment 🙂 Having said that, I quickly discovered a quite serious issue for me when I attempted connecting …
The only fully renewable and replenishable resource mankind has is stupidity. #humans #mankind #human #morons #stupidity #renewableenergy
Nice fire, nice fireworks, nice company, nice food, nice weekend. Welcome Spring 2016 🙂
After the second downhill skiing session this year, I had had enough of rental ski boots. So it was time to check out end-of-season sales, and look what I found!