ttf-mscorefonts-installer and Ubuntu 16

As has been confirmed in a number of posts on the Internet, there’s a problem with the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package on Ubuntu 16. There are a number of solutions, and as odd as it might sound, solutions that work for some will fail for others. I …

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It’s not a new world today, tomorrow, nor any other day

People are outraged at the outcome of the US Presidential Election 2016, but I’m not quite sure why. Politicians are throwing themselves at the mercy of the Political Correctness lobby and looking for ways to emigrate to some other nation. I get the fact that …

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Life free of digital footprints should be a human right

The feeling that somehow, somewhere, someone connected the dots between your recent live chat session with your online florist and your Facebook account, or Google, or some other service or site that makes billions of dollars on selling your personal Internet usage data. That feeling. …

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