Antique that kicks ass

It’s a boring piece of equipment; this model is really antique too, with just a plain old cable that connects it to the computer. No bluetooth, no wimax, no 3G, no USB or firewire connection.. it’s just a plain old keyboard. But it truly rocks! …

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The HP6220 in Sweden

So HP is rolling out a new fleet of notebooks.

Wonderful.. or?

I’ve gotten used to, and quite fond of, the HP NC6000 notebook. It’s a “just enough”-type product with almost everything you need, except a fast harddisk and a Firewire connection. I’ve mostly been using the 1.8-512-60 model.

Set to replace the NC6000 is the new NC6220 (there’s also a more budget-like 6120 and a 6230). The specs look OK; there’s still no firewire in any of the models I’ve seen – but perhaps I haven’t been looking hard enough.

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Racing the 3400

I got a call from a customer this morning who wanted to give a Ferrari 3400 to his wife as an Easter gift; I wonder what the egg looked like 🙂 Needless to say, it had to be ready in time for easter, which gave us about four (4) hours to have everything set-up.

He wanted Windows XP, Office 2003, anti-virus software, and some basic configuration done. So after having a courier pick up the Acer notebook from the distributor, I finally got my hands on this beauty.

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Sloppy thinking in good product

What in the world would make a manufacturer like D-Link produce a nice and affordable router/gateway/firewall/VPN piece of equipment like the DI-804HV, and not include support for configuration by means of SSH and/or HTTPS? This product is by no means “brand new” or the “latest …

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SuSE goes PowerEdge 750

After having hesitated for many months and years, I finally got my hands on a new Dell server waiting to be configured for SuSE Linux (SuSE 9.0 Professional). Although the sales person was dearly convinced it would work without any problems (“Oh yes, we know …

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Svar till “Öppen Källkod kan aldrig bli affärskritisk”

På CS/Debatt 9/3 2005 skriver Stefan Dahlgren (vd, Bea Systems) att “Öppen källkod kan aldrig bli affärskritisk” (sic). Sådana här uttalanden hjälper varken hans egen sak (vilket uppenbarligen går ut på att främja Bea Systems produkter) eller att förtydliga för människor vad “Öppen källkod” innebär. …

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Software patents for Morons

Way to go Poland for (once again) stalling the process of the EU ruling/deciding on Software Patents within the EU. Many aspects of the proposals, and current laws/regulations in some other countries in regards to software patens are truly and unquestionably stupid! There are so …

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(no title)

“(no title)”

It takes so little to blacken a heart;
It takes so much to make it shine;
At least when we’re talking about mine.


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Säljer barnporr?

I kvällsupplagan 1997-10-02 har Expressen en förstasida som antyder att “Telia sprider barnporr på nätet – sidorna 10-11”. Jag undrar hur många extra tidningar Expressen sålde på grund av denna förstasida och tillhörande artikel. Missförstå mig rätt: det är självklart att pedofiler inte skall få …

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