
“Here” I am here I am here for you I am here for us When the fire burns When the roof caves in When the wind is howling around you and when the rain never seems to end Then I am here Then I am …

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“Här” Jag är här Jag är här för dig Jag är här för oss När elden brinner När taket rasar När vinden viner runt dig och när regnet aldrig verkar ta slut Då finns jag här Då finns jag här för dig Då finns jag …

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Where in the world is Rod Jackson?

After having been included in the Slash’s Snakepit line-up for the Ain’t Life Grand album, Rod seems to have disappeared. Has anybody seen him or heard of him, maybe in another band? I went to see Slash’s Snakepit when they came to Stockholm, and Rod …

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Who’s playground?

By far the best music ever to come out of Billy Idol? Absolutely, if you ask me (one could, however, argue that nobody will ask me). Billy’s previous work like Vital Idol doesn’t come close to this production. The lyrics are better. The music is …

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Bonum commune hominis

Spice up your writing a bit with some Latin. Oh, you don’t know any? Sure you do! You’ve probably seen Latin expressions and words a thousand times but never known what they meant. Well, here’s your chance to put an end to that; have a …

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Grim Reaper

I couldn’t close the door.. something was in the way. I pushed as hard as I could, I kicked the door, but every time I thought I had it closed, it would open again. Just as I was about to give up thinking it wasn’t …

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Being a few steps behind, for a change, as far as the music scene goes, I just discovered Submersed’s album “In Due Time”. The sound of Submersed lands somewhere between Creed and 3 Doors Down. If you like such bands, you may want to check …

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Why do they say “Never talk to strangers” — if I never talk to strangers, you’ll all be strangers forever. Go see the answers to my question and many other questions.

Bigger Bang

Never having been a fan of the Rolling Stones, I was really surprised (bordering to shock) after having listened through their (latest) “A Bigger Bang” album! I’m quite sure that die hard ‘Stones fans think the opposite, but this is an awesome album, and in …

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JoHo; the acronym

Today, while looking for something else, I found a site using JoHo as an acronym.. how cool (?); check out Journal of the Hyperlinked Organization. They also do a blog, in case you’re interested. On their frontpage, one can read things like “KMWorld gives JOHO …

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