Tranquility Base #COVID19
Walking around the natural reserve “Judarnskogen” (located in Bromma, Stockholm, Sweden) is a great way to decompose and unwind, specially during these weird times. Lucky, and thankful, to have this close to where I live.
Walking around the natural reserve “Judarnskogen” (located in Bromma, Stockholm, Sweden) is a great way to decompose and unwind, specially during these weird times. Lucky, and thankful, to have this close to where I live.
Vid ett givet läge i en kris kan “omställningsplanen” aktiveras och snabbt fylla på förråd med nödvändiga produkter som skyddsutrustning och sjukvårdsmateriel. Likaså bör man regelbundet uppdatera en plan för att på relativt kort tid göra om större byggnader till “beredskapssjukhus”.
To those of you who bitch about having to “work from home”, please take a deep breath, chew on some toilet paper, and consider that: There are people out there that are working in the “direct line of fire”, because they have to. It’s their …
By grounding everything, the governments will need to hand out massive loans in an attempt to soften the blow to a rather large industry that has come to a complete halt. Why not use some of that money, and some of that capacity, for something we actually need: air transport
With various legal directives in place throughout the world, website owners are “off the hook” by providing a cookie disclaimer and the possibility for the visitor to “opt out”. Some websites have a rather odd approach where they refer you to a page with a …
For almost as long as “cookies” have existed on the Internet, companies have made a habit out of using them to track you, your “behavior” on the Internet, and to turn you into something “measurable”. For almost as long, there have been countermeasurements: “cookie blockers”, …
The short version of this post: Wake the fuck up and smell the maple nut crunch! The somewhat longer version follows. The Netflix “documentary”, “The Great Hack”, is a great beginning of something that will take years to be argued, debated, and (mis)understood. Thinking that …
I have received very sad words that Mats Birch passed away in May 2019. He was truly an original character and also one of the persons behind “M” in the “JAM message base” design. I first met Mats in FidoNet circles many (!) years ago. …
Ett rökfritt lilla fina PK-Sverige 2025 … I media slänger man sig med siffror mellan 30 och 32 miljarder kronor som kostnad för rökningen. Varav nästan 20 miljarder kronor är “produktionsbortfall”. Så varför förbjuder vi inte “fikastunder på jobbet”, meningslösa möten och köer? De borde …
Härom dagen skulle jag ansöka om Swish till mitt minderåriga barn. Hos banken som jag haft i över fem år. Hos banken där barnets andra förälder har varit kund i över fem år. Där barnet själv redan har ett konto med föräldrarnas godkännande. Hem kommer, …