End of vacation – boohoo!

Four weeks of pure bliss have come to an end. Barbecues and good beer, swimming in the Baltic, going for boat rides, and of course, a lot of carpentry. It’s amazing how fast four weeks can pass when you’re having fun. Good weather, and peaceful …

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Why Michael Moore has a point about Swedish Healthcare

Privatizing “Public Healthcare”, or clearing obstacles to allow it to be partially privatized has always been controversial. Now that the current Swedish government seem to be walking down the privatization path, it’s no surprise its actions have people running for positions. What is surprising is …

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Slomo at joho’s

Well.. things are slowly but surely moving back to normal since the fabulous incident with my leg. Recovery of the leg is going faster than the recovery of or return to a normal working rythm. It’s amazing how much work can build up when you’re …

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Guidelines for focusing on learning

Caught on a website today, while browsing for something completely different. I realize some or all of this is hard to accomplish, and I am by no means trying to imply that I follow any of the below 🙂 But it’s an interesting thought nevertheless. …

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Bust a cast

After three weeks with a really annoying cast, and crutches, it was time to remove the cast! After a few hours at the hospital, I was introduced to what I refer to as my Darth Vader Space Age Cast. I think the product’s actual name …

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Happy 7th Birthday Alexander!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday! It’s still amazing to me, that seven years ago, I held your very tiny hand in my hand and realized that my world had just become a better place. Thanks for all the joy you’ve brought me so …

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Bust a leg

Because life isn’t complicated enough, I decided to add a little spice. So on Saturday, I stood up a bit too fast and found myself falling into a heap on the floor before I had gotten a safe hold of the chair in front of …

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La linea; old school multimedia

In the world of wireless multimedia and mobile connectivity, it brings great joy to run into some really simple and classic cartoons like “La Linea” on the net. I remember watching these on TV when I was young (around the time of the Dinos).. and …

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Pentago-go, twisting your mind

Being a bit slow on the draw, I completely ignored Pentago when it was given its many awards during 2005. For the Christmas 2006 shopping spree, I wasn’t going to make the same mistake 🙂 The beauty of the game is, as it usually is, …

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