I’m looking for “Ureshii”, let me know if you find it.
I’m looking for “Ureshii”, let me know if you find it.
Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max. Tabata I, Nishimura K, Kouzaki M, Hirai Y, Ogita F, Miyachi M, Yamamoto K. Department of Physiology and Biomechanics, National Institute of Fitness and Sports, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. .. so begins the …
Now to find a good alternative with a better workout for more parts of the body 🙂
The Black Ice CD finally arrived! Yep, the CD. In the day and age of downloadable and streamable media, I prefer to buy the CD for a few select artists; if for nothing else but to convert it to a better format with some control …
I have tried for so long To find the reason I keep coming back I don’t believe in spells or supernatural phenomena But the only explanation I can find is that either I’m blind Or these things really exist A smile, a look, or one …
Considering this was to be my first and only 40th birthday, I had no expectations; and I really didn’t plan for it to turn out this good 🙂 But I guess a good indication may have been the wonderful trip to Belfast in Northern Ireland …
when you find out that I am weak will you stick around? for you found me attractive in my strength and abilities but will you hold me up when I weep and beg for my pain to stop? JoHo, 2008-09-11
When scattered fragments of a restless soul unite The children will cry out their joy For their caretaking spirit has become whole JoHo, 2008-09-11
Do you know LEGO? Who doesn’t, right? 🙂 Well, I used to play with it some 30+ years ago, and have seen my kids taking an interest in it too. Of course, when I played with it, it was mostly the plain vanilla “bricks”, and …
“Re-run? Of course it’s a re-run! Everything is a re-run.”