Webmin 1.290

A new version of the truly amazing piece of open source software going by the name of Webmin, by Jamie Cameron, has been released. If you’re in need of flexible, powerful, and a well-designed monitoring and server management system, you need to check Webmin out. …

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3G archipelago hopping

This summer’s access to the on-line banking services provided by our banks could very well just have been optimized, and improved compared to last summer. One of the few problems with having a house in the Stockholm Archipelago is network coverage. Forget about tri-band and …

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Where did WUSAGE go?

So whatever happened to the people at boutell.com? Or rather wusage, their web stats generator/analyzer. It’s seems to be really hard to find a decent alternative that covers “everything”, and very little is happening with wusage. I’ve written e-mail after e-mail to boutell, without the …

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Replacement power supply extends life of D-Link products

One common problem with technology these days is that the development of new “gadgets” moves forward so rapidly that manufacturers often cannot, or will not, keep a good stock of replacement or spare parts. So it was with a shaking of my head I had to realize that the power supply for my SoHo wireless router, the D-Link 624+, had gone to a better place for dead electronic parts.

After a few minutes I remembered I had a D-Link print server at home too.

Being one to often complain about manufacturers having their head somewhere dark and R&D departments not thinking things through all the way, I was about to be given proof of an exception.

I turned the print server over, followed the cord to the power supply and had a look at the voltage.. five volts, three amps.. the 624+ runs on five volts and two and a half amps.. this could work. So I disconnected the print server and connected its power supply to the router – voila! Yesss.. I was back in the real world! 🙂

Spending a few minutes praising the D-Link tech people, I realized this was probably not a coincidence, so I asked my local favorite internet retailer Dustin if there by any chance was a replacement D-Link power supply for sale. I was happily surprised when the return message said “Yes, there is; it’s called ‘PSE-S5VDC3A'”.

Not only does this power supply work with both my print server and my router, it works for a number of D-Link devices.

I realize it’s a bit weird that I should be so excited about something as obvious as a common part, right? Well, having spent a good part of my life (30+ years now) fiddling with electronics and related technology, I have come across so many situations where this would have been considered a miracle..

You can go back to sleep now 🙂

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SuSE Linux 10 choking on Adaptec RAID controller

In a flash of foresight, I decided to redo a SuSE 9.3 server that had not yet reached production to a SuSE 10.0 server. It’s a plain vanilla P4 3.0GHz server with 1GB of RAM, an Adaptec 2100S RAID controller and two Seagate Cheetah 10K …

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Joomla Search Cloud

“Have you ever noticed that cool tag thingy that they do on Flickr, Ning, or Technorati? The one where some words are displayed in a larger font than others? Now you can easily add one of these clouds to your Joomla site to track searches …

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If I were a video game character, I would be a ..

I am a Pacman Ghost. I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don’t appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do …

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How hard is your Linux?

An interesting article about basic Linux security, “hardening a linux server in 10 minutes”, which basically takes the same approach many articles about Windows performance tuning takes; disable services and connections you don’t need. Keep open ports, running services, etc. down to what is required, …

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Back to the 1980:s using the olympic computer

Regardless of the outcome of today’s finals in the Olympic Ice Hockey competition between Finland and Sweden, this has to be considered one of the most successful Olympic Games seen with Swedish eyes; if the number of medals is a measurement for such success. Something …

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Changing date format in Thunderbird under Linux

Being located in Sweden, I want all dates in all applications to be displayed according to the Swedish date format, which is YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2006-02-26 for 26-Feb-2006). This is typically not a problem, if you’re willing to switch everything else over to Swedish also, and/or …

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