stripslashes / wp_unslash with multibyte / mbstring support

One truly annoying thing with WordPress is that it doesn’t use the mbstring extensions at its core. I fully realize how big of a task a re-write is in this regard, but considering there are utility functions for just about everything you want to do as a WordPress plugin and/or theme developer, I think this needs to be addressed. Oh, and it’s 2021 by the way.

An issue that quite a few seem to be frustrated about is POST/GET form data handling, and the situation with single and double quotes being “escaped”.

Without further ado, this snippet will “unslash” a string, with support for multibyte characters (there’s no magic here, really):

function x_stripslashes( string $str ) {
    return( mb_ereg_replace( '[\x{005c}][\x{0027}]', '\'',
                             mb_ereg_replace( '[\x{005c}][\x{0022}]', '"',
                                              $str ) )

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