Migrating Webmin users, permissions, and access control lists

I recently had to replace a DNS server due to the hosting platform no longer supporting OpenVZ, and because the server was getting a bit ancient. The efforts involved in upgrading the server OS on the OpenVZ platform vs setting up a brand new server on KVM just wasn’t worth it.

Webmin was being used on the previous server, and I intended for it to be used on the new server as well.

There were quite a few users setup to allow them some self-management capabilities, DNS zones more specifically. So, these users and their permissions within Webmin needed to be migrated.

This can, of course, be done via the Webmin configuration backup feature, and then restored onto the new server. But for a quick and dirty solution, you may want to try these steps. Remember to backup the files you are replacing on the new server.

Copy the following files from /etc/webmin to the same folder on the new server:


Copy the following files from /etc/webmin/bind4 to the same folder on the new server:


And then restart Webmin.

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